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RWAP Software - Retro computer specialists
RWAP Software - Retro computer specialists

Although our roots are firmly based with the Sinclair QL, we supply a wide range of second hand and original software and hardware, for both the QL, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.

Over the past few years, we have been instrumental in getting the DivIDE Plus compact flash interface for the ZX Spectrum built, along with replacement ZX81 Keyboard Membranes, 48K ZX Spectrum keyboard membranes and ZX Spectrum faceplates.

Visit our website - for more details on what we offer.

ZX Spectrum Retro Shop
ZX Spectrum Retro Shop


We offer Case Kits, Capacitor Mod Kits, Parts & DIY Kits for Sinclair Computers ZX 81 & ZX Spectrum.

When ordering 2 or more different items, please request an invoice so that we can combine shipping.



I make very high quality reproduction console and PC BOXES. These are professionally printed, laser cut, machine creased, folded and sent ASSEMBLED to you. I also sell professionally machine cut polystyrene internal packing for the same